Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Graduation Party 2020

The day after Karis' birthday, the country was put on a mandatory 72-hour lockdown, and Kylie's graduation party was 6 days away. After 72-hours, I guess the government decided that was enough for a little while, because after that, there wasn't another lockdown for six whole days!

So, on May 28, 2020, we celebrated Kylie.

 We printed some of her artwork and hung it on the wall, and after the party, people started asking if they could buy some of it, so she actually made quite a few sales that night and took orders for future projects.

My one snafu was the cake/cakes.  I knew which cake in town Kylie liked best, and I THOUGHT I knew where it was made, but I should have known better when I had to explain a L.O.N.G. time to get what I thought was the right one (and of course, they spelled "congratulations" wrong).

I called someone who had ordered it before and asked where to get the cake (which is what I should have done in the first place because cakes aren't cheap!), and she told me.

So, now I had two cakes on order for the party, which I guess wasn't too bad, since 34 people ended up coming.

This is the right one!

So many of our friends brought food, and Kylie and I made dishes, too.  It was quite a nice spread!

Look at the beautiful fruit tray one of our friends made!  Thanks, Jessica!

Doug welcomed everyone and said the blessing.

Then, after eating, Doug shared some memories of Kylie and read scripture verses over her.

This shoe picture is one you rarely see in America, so I always think of you and strange things you might want to see.  I also see someone getting a drink out of the bathtub we set on the porch, which ended up being quite a source of entertainment for all the kids who attended.

One of Kylie's dear friends was able to make it. She helped steer Kylie into graphic design, tutored her in French, and also danced ballet with her. 

And finally, at the end, we got a picture together.

Congratulations, Kylie!

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