Thursday, August 19, 2021

Group One, Now Boarding

The next day, we lined up with all of the weary travelers who had been stuck inside for much of Spring.

June 21, 2020

We hadn't been out much where masks were required, so this was our first experience wearing masks for an extended period of time.

It ended up being over 40 hours!!

We also weren't expecting the full-body-wear the flight attendants had on.

Or the odd feeling of being in an airport with seats blocked off and so few people.

No water fountains.

But a lot of tired.

This particular airline usually gives people a hotel to stay in if the layover is over 6 hours, but not this time. Charter flights and Covid changed all that up.

Our layover was 18 hours.

Our second flight was to Chicago, and then we were delayed getting to Dallas because of rain. 

More time with the mask.

But we finally made it to Texas!

We were three hours late, but our sweet friend Jamie picked us up and had Chick-fil-a in a cooler, keeping it warm for us.

I think this picture says it all...


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