Sunday, June 2, 2019

Ballet in the Desert

   The dance studio is an important part of my kids’ lives here. 

Keira takes ballet, and in January, she started taking gymnastics, too. 

Caleb joined the drama crew for "Lion King" as Mufasa last October;

and Kylie and Karis both teach and take ballet classes.

The three little-girl classes are pretty cute, but they are definitely a handful.  It often feels like this picture taken in the mirror, like there are 100 girls in the room.

 There is usually at least one melt-down per class; girls have to be taken to the bathroom a lot; their hair bows have to be re-tied; their noses have to be wiped; they get tired easily; and on top of all of that, each class consists of 4 different languages spoken.


Communication is hard.

 That’s what makes days like “dressing for Halloween” fun, because the girls get to “communicate” through their costumes.

Twice a year at the dance studio, parents are allowed to come watch a class, and the students receive a certificate of participation.

Doug and I had a busy day with Doug attending Keira’s class

while I helped Karis with the music for the first class she was teaching, which was happening simultaneously as Keira's.

Thankfully, Doug and I were both able to attend Karis’ class,

and then I went to run music for Karis’ other teaching class.  Confusing, right?

In January, Kylie came back for a couple of weeks when she thought her knee was better, and the dance studio added a third class for the girls to teach.

Through all the trips we make to and from the studio, and all the hours my kids spend there each week, we are still so thankful they are afforded this opportunity in a land where ballet and the arts are not popular things to take part in.