Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Night on the Town

I haven't shown you much of the nightlife in the center of town because I usually am down there during the day time

with Doug

because it's pretty much a man's world down there.  

However, at night, the sidewalks are filled with intriguing wares.

Sometimes you feel like you're at a state fair

But then instantly, you are transported back to ancient times where funnel cakes are non-existent

We usually try not to act like tourists, but since we had a guest with us, we threw caution to the wind.

We went to the fountains (which happened to be turned on and working)

And then we went below the old city where one of the oldest tea shops in town is located.

I think I've told you about this place before. It is preferred that women stay outside or go to the family area upstairs, so we took our tea outside.  

The warmth of the tea was nice on a cool night.

We continued our walk, finding carts with dried fruit and candies

And of course, we bought baklava because you just HAVE to when you are here.

Soon after tasting the baklava, you lose your appetite as you pass the raw meat cart

But then your appetite returns when you get freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, which is amazing!

Thank you ancient city for the sites and wonders of some of the downtown life.

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