Sunday, March 28, 2021

Spring cleaning and a Slumber Party

Like many of you, lockdown proved to be a great time to clean.

I went through cabinets and shelves, slowly getting rid of things.

Everyone went through their clothes and pulled out what they couldn't wear anymore.

And Doug got the pressure sprayer out and cleaned the outside of the house.

You can see the outline around Keira of how much dust accumulates on our walls.

April 21, 2020

When the balcony upstairs is being cleaned with water, the cleaner may think all the bird poop 
(and yes, a LOT of that is bird poop) and dirt is flowing down the pipe to the street.

Guess again!  It flows down to the porch right by our front door 

(you can see the PVC pipe if you look closely), 

and the cleaner gets to start all over again, spraying it down the steps to go under the gate, 
and THEN out into the street.

Doug also trimmed all the trees and pressure washed our windows 
to make sure we had an unimpeded view of the yard when we were in the kitchen.

Keira also wanted to have a slumber party, 
so Keira got mine and Doug's pillows and blankets 
and put herself in the middle 
and set the whole thing up.

(This wasn't our last sleepover...
when the house got too hot, 
Doug eventually set a tent in the yard for us, 
and the three of us slept outside for two nights 
because it was cooler than sleeping inside 
(but I think that wasn't until June).

April 26, 2020

On April 21, 2020, the government announced new curfew hours: 

For the next month (until May 22...the second to last night of Ramadan), 
curfew was to be from 7pm to 6am, Sunday through Thursday and 24 hours on Fridays and Saturdays.  

Since people sleep a lot during the day during Ramadan, and they are mainly awake during the sundown hours, I think they thought this would help lower the numbers.

I didn't work.

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