Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Across the Mississippi

Blog Post about Summer 2020

Karis was ready to go to ballet camp in Mississippi, so we (except Caleb) loaded up for the 7 hour trip.

A couple we have known for a long time allowed us to stay with them as we came and went every day.

Our first stop was the Godwin house, and their kids had a sweet welcome sign for us.

I will tell you some other amazing things that happened at their house in the next post.

July 15, 2020

L (Godwin)'s four younger kids took Keira under their wing, and they had a great time together.

Trampoline park....Mexican food...and a neighborhood friend group coming together to do a "Frozen" skit.

She had so much fun, so they invited her back again for an upcoming birthday party.

While Keira was having the time of her life, Doug and I went to see another dear friend.

I don't know why I have pictures with some and not with others, but that's just how it works sometimes.

We saw the Coggins', J Goff, Pettus', Manuel's, K Adcox, Gregory's, Neese's, Caldwell's, Stovall's, C Woods, Hardin's, Carraway's, N Morgan, W Morgan, Slay's, Moore's, Barber's, Ozier's, Harkins', G Randall, Pearce's, and Crowe's. 

We contacted three others that we visited with over the phone but we couldn't see because they were quarantining for various reasons. 

We had 26 visits, saw 64 people,  and visited for 86 hours during our two weeks in Mississippi.

We love our friends in Mississippi!

When Keira returned a few days later to the Godwin house, this water slide in the back yard had her scared for a good 45 minutes. It wasn't until the sun was setting that she finally decided to give it a try...and loved it!

We saw Doug's former office assistant and my friend J-A, who has added some arrows to her quiver since I last saw her!

July 19, 2020

Then we drove a couple of hours south to visit some friends who had moved since we last saw them. We stayed with them a couple of nights, and we had some great visits and enjoyed walking around their cute town.

They live in Laurel where "Home Town" on HGTV is shot. I have never seen the show, but I saw all the cute houses that have been redone since the show started.

Funny enough, Keira was most excited about seeing an RV. She had never been in one.

Our friend David told her he had one, and she was so anxious to see it, so I videoed her first impressions.

July 16, 2020

There is always something new to see in America.

Meanwhile, back home overseas, this was set up outside a grocery store where I like to shop.

Who knows what they spray on you that will "kill" the Corona virus, but it is actually still set up now, a year later in 2021, and everyone I see walks around it, so I guess it doesn't matter what they spray ;)

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