Thursday, October 31, 2019

New School...New Language

Last fall, Keira started school at a local school.  As time went on, we realized that she wasn’t getting what she needed to keep up with her age mates in America.  

After much prayer, we decided to transfer her to the French school. 

The instruction is completely in French, but after three and a half months, Keira came home excited that she had spoken in French to the librarian.  She is understanding a lot, and she is speaking more and more.  Her teacher is impressed at how quickly she is picking it up.

I use Google translate a lot to help with dictation homework and reading,

and thankfully, Kylie is taking French and can help where I fall short. 

I did; however, discover during one homework session, that my grandmother’s name is a French word for a flower. 

Many of the girls she takes ballet with go there.  

Last year on Halloween, I took this picture, and I'm posting it today because Keira is out of school for a short fall break, so she didn't get to dress up this year.

She wants you to know that she would have been Ariel, though.

Keira really wants me to learn French with her.  A year into it, and she's communicating pretty well, but I told her I have to learn the local language first. 

One language at a time!

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