Sunday, February 9, 2020

While I was Away and Then Onward to New Things

While I was in Texas, Keira and four of her ballet classmates filmed another segment of "teaching beginning ballet" for a TV station

She also had her end-of-year evaluation and scored well.

She also made a new friend and had a play date.

When the older girls returned from Texas, we had a week with them before we headed off to Thailand.  We had some meetings, and additional classes were arranged for all ages, so we all went along on our first trip to the East.

The first thing we noticed was how green everything was.

Quite a contrast from when we landed back in our home country after our trip.

In Thailand, we stayed at a large hotel

With green views

And interesting script everywhere.

(I'm kind of glad this is not the script I'm learning)

 One of my favorite things about overseas meetings is the coming together of different languages.

These booths have interpreters for different languages represented in the room.

We also tried some new fruits we had never tasted before.


Dragon Fruit

And some fruits we didn't try...

?????  I have no idea.  You are welcome to chime in.

 The people here worship so differently from the people where we live.

It was definitely an educational experience for all of us.


One of my favorite parts was meeting new people from different places (I found a kindred spirit from Scotland) and seeing my kids connect with new people so quickly, simply because they all live overseas, which puts them in a unique category of similarity.

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