Thursday, November 14, 2019

All the Christmas Feels (2018)

On December 1st we try to decorate for Christmas unless there is something major going on.

Last year, Caleb had a soccer game, but we still managed to get it done.

Back in 2016, Doug made us a tree, and I told you about decorating it HERE.

This is pretty much the same drill, except all the kids are taller.

Each year, Doug plays a video he made at Santa's Wonderland in College Station, Texas, back in 2015.  It's the only way we get to see Christmas lights, and it really does add something special to our evening!


We still decorate with the same Kenyan material that decorated our Baobab Christmas tree in Uganda

And we still use beads from Africa and bottle caps from our favorite drinks in Africa.

But now, we've added flavors from other countries we've visited as well, so it's becoming quite
the "Small World after all."

I see more Santas each year here, and he seems to be very talented.

As you can see, he can play the saxophone with no hands.

Keira communicates her feelings about Christmas with words. ;)

And Kylie communicated with food.

On Christmas Eve, we invited some of our friends to stop by for snacks and a gift we had for them.

The queso was a big hit (thank you to Carol for shipping Velveeta and Rotel for our evening).

People came and went for a couple of hours and then we sat down for the night and watched a Christmas movie.

Christmas morning!

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