Thursday, November 21, 2019

Moved in and "cold" is a blessing

As I've told you before, there was no working heater wall unit in our new house.  We had some "fixers" come to the house, but they started on the toilet and showers first.

I'm nothing but grateful.

We can wear several layers of clothing to get warm, but it's harder to find ways to get clean.

I drove my teenage girls across town one night so they could get showers at a friend's house, but I think Doug, Keira, Caleb and I went a week without a shower.

We also had butane gas heaters, but you had to be right in front of them to feel them.  The intense cold in the house swallowed up the heat in ways I've never seen before.

However, I didn't hear any complaining.  We were all aware that there were refugees living in tents during this same weather, and we at least had a solid shelter over our heads.

SO...let's look at a blessing of a cold house.

When we moved, we plugged in our refrigerator too soon, so it stopped working.  We had forgotten to let it sit upright for awhile before plugging it in.

Our icebox of a house was the perfect answer!

We left the doors open at first,

And eventually moved it all to the ice cold tile floor.

Our refrigerator was at the repair shop for over a week, and since we didn't get heat for two weeks, our food on the cold tile floor was well taken care of.

The lovely chandelier that came with the house only has two bulbs that work in it, and I think it will always stay that way.  I see no need for Doug to go to the trouble of replacing light bulbs way up there.

But best of all, another reason not to complain, when we look out our kitchen window, we see GREEN.

We are so thankful for this house, warm clothes, blankets, gas heaters, electric heaters, refrigerators, food, electricity, FRIENDS and FAMILY!

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