Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Another Teenager in the House

Caleb turned 13 last January.

His birthday was actually the day I arrived back home from Dubai, and his sisters were wonderful to make some cookie cake for him so it would all be ready when I got home.

Caleb is quite the entertainer, and he usually has me laughing about something.  Funny enough, his sisters don't find him quite as entertaining :)

He is also kind-hearted and sensitive when it matters.  I love watching him grow and seeing how God is transforming him on the inside (and the outside - seeing as how he's already taller than me).

This year, Caleb had several people convince him to use his love for entertainment and acting in a public way.

He tried out for the role of Mufasa in the "Lion King" and got it.

His performance was outstanding, but that's a few months away, so first I'll show you the beginning.

When the performance occurs, the actors only lip synch along with their own voice recordings.  Too many things can go wrong on performance night, so all voices are recorded ahead of time at a TV/radio station.

After practicing their lines during the fall, each character gets an assigned studio time to record.  Caleb went a couple of times, and then he was done with that step.

These are the doors to the Babylon studio.

 This is one of the TV sets inside.

Caleb waiting for "Simba" to finish his turn.

Now, it's Caleb's turn to growl and be demonstrative as the "daddy" lion.

As an exciting side note, two days after Caleb's birthday, my dad has a birthday.  This year, as a wonderful gift to all of his family, he rang the bell at the cancer center in Houston to celebrate the end of treatments.

January 27, 2019

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