Thursday, December 19, 2019

Kids Doing Their Thing

Keira has a lot of life in her.  She bring so much energy and joy to our home.

I'm also thankful for friends who invite her over and let her bring her energy to their homes as well.

Keira has been to this girls' house (pictured below) about four times for "play dates," and her mother is so creative.  They make slime, crafts, cakes, play legos, play games, play with their turtle, play with their dog, etc.  She is about three years older than Keira, and she makes Keira feel special.

It's so much fun for Keira and I'm thankful for people who invest in my child's life.

March 27, 2019

Keira has worked hard since starting the French school.  You might not can read this report card, but all those green marks on the side, say she's doing well.

Her teacher wrote at the top of her report card:  "Excellent work during this second period. No one could guess that Keira joined the french school only a few months ago!  Congratulations!"

(At the time this was written, she had only been attending 5 months)

March 18, 2019

I took Keira on a date, and she took this picture of me

Then she took this picture of herself.

Love that girl!

 March 20, 2019

Caleb took a coding class at an education center last spring.  We came on the final night to see their presentations.

Since Caleb had a nice zig zag pattern on his face for the pictures,

They finally turned the projector off, but the lighting was terrible (and he had a cap on), so we'll just take what we can get.

The class and their families enjoyed the small celebration.

 March 25, 2019

Our three older ones crack me up, and they have as much energy as Keira, but since they're teenagers, you never know when the energy is coming OR going.

I love that they can all cram together on one bench, smile, enjoy each other's company, and make each other laugh.  They bring a smile to my face, and it is a privilege to have them home for school.

March 14, 2019

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