Friday, September 3, 2021

A Surprise Surgery (that we were SO grateful for)

Blog Post About Summer 2020

In the last post I mentioned the Godwin's. Seeing them was a divine meeting.

C, the husband, asked Kylie how her knee was doing, and she told him it still wasn't well, and she didn't know what else she could do for it.

We had dinner with them on July 15th.

C made a phone call, and the next Monday, July 20th, he scheduled us to see an orthopedic doctor who not only saw Kylie, but scheduled her for an MRI and an X-ray that same day, and then after seeing the results, scheduled her for a surgery two days later!

As I prayed for Kylie before going into surgery, she teared up, and I asked if she was afraid, but she said, "No, I'm just so happy to be getting my knee fixed."

July 22, 2020

October 1, 2018, when Kylie's injury occurred in ballet, we were told that her patella had been knocked out of place, and an MRI confirmed it had gone back into place. 

We got some instructions on some physical therapy Kylie could do on her own, so we signed her up for a gym membership, and she started doing some small things to help; however, even though she gained a little strength, she still wasn't getting better.

It turns out that when her patella WAS knocked out of place, it knocked a part of her femur bone off!

The surgeon did say that the way it healed (interpretation: *the way God healed it) was much better than he could have done.

The doctor cleaned out all the floating bone fragments, including this large piece, and he took a tendon from a cadaver and gave her a stronger tendon to hold her patella in place since the other was "stretched out" (in layman's terms).

July 24, 2020

Our plans got a little skewed, and we had to cancel on the Manuel's and Reed's, but we were so glad to get answers and solutions for Kylie's knee. 

The Slay's and the Pettus' gave Kylie a place to rest during the day hours while we continued to make visits, and then two days after her surgery, on Friday, July 24, 2020, Kylie hobbled out in the rain to watch her sister dance at the gala.

Those two years between injury and surgery were long, and even though her knee bothered her nearly every day, she never complained, even though I know (and she knew) that if we had been in America, we could have gotten more help.

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