Saturday, November 27, 2010

Two journeys, one camera

I hardly ever ride in a vehicle around town, so when we went to pick up Melissa at the airport, I took my camera to see if I could spy anything interesting around town.

Here's a snapshot of our short journey.

The road outside our gate.

We possibly might have the worst washed-out road in town.

It was a big day for campaigning.

These people were yelling and shouting for their favorite candidate.

This is a sample of a daily thing we see.

People can carry ANYTHING on the back of a bike.

I've seen doors, beds, desks, chickens, pigs, goats, stalks of bananas, 20 foot long pipe, and any type of food that needs to get to market.

Here's another sample: cabbages

The roads always seem impassable. You wonder how all the people and bikes will move so you and your car can get through. Somehow it always works out.

We decided to try to take one of the better roads home so the ride would be smoother part of the way. When we turned, this is what we found.

We were glad we were turning just up ahead.

Then, they turned, too, so we kept following them.

Just so you know, these cows take this journey back and forth every day. The cattle herders take them somewhere to graze, and then they take them back home.

Right after the cows finally turned off, I saw this woman carrying sticks on her head with a baby on her back.

Just like the cows, this is a daily thing that I see. The women here are amazing!

Later on in the day, it was time to travel to the home where our Thanksgiving meal would be.

We had to cross this bridge.

I don't know why this bridge always makes me nervous, but it does.

The only fun thing about the bridge is getting to look off to the right as you drive over.

THIS is Arua's car wash.

The little river that runs under this wooden bridge always has one or more cars down in it, up to the floor boards, getting a scrub.

The day after Thanksgiving, I happened to be in the car with a camera again.

This is as you come into Arua. The number of people walking on the side of the road still amazes me nearly one year later.

This little green door is where I buy eggs (when the hens are laying).

A little monkey lives inside this compound, too, but I've only seen him once, and my kids haven't seen it at all. I wonder if they would let us in for a peek?

Finally, we were back home again, and two guys from the baseball team were waiting at our gate to talk to Doug. While they visited, one of the guys spotted this.

This is what it looked like underneath, so you can see the length better.

About 30 minutes later, George the Vet showed up to doctor Lee's leg.

Our dog cut himself on a sharp piece of ceramic while he was chasing a lizard.

Yes, that is muscle and tendon you are seeing.

The vet comes every day to give Lee two injections and to spray that purple antibiotic on the wound.

Just in case you were wondering, we don't have too many dull moments around here. Something is always going on.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping me visualize your world over there. The town looks bigger than Mityana...more like Jinja.
I so admire your toughness and bravery on the field!
Recently Becky had rats, bats and mosquitos in her house, but the insecticide spray may have been even worse.
I really know more than most how difficult day to day life can be over there. My personal limit is about 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

By the way, that was me...Robin. I had to sign in on my gmail account (Nancy Drew).

Megan said...

o. my. gosh. I really had no idea. Thanks for the visual. I really admire your bravery.