October 1, 2019
This is a day that will forever be remembered in our home.
This was the day Kylie's patella popped out of socket, tearing up a lot of things on its journey before it finally popped back into place.
She saw two doctors in two days who gave differing opinions.
I'd love to say it's "in the past," but she is still dealing with the aftermath of that injury. I'm sure things would have been a little different had we been in the States, but this is part of our journey, and even in this, He is with us, and we are learning more about Him.
In the beginning, no stairs meant living/sleeping downstairs for about three weeks.
Crutches for 7 weeks.
No dancing for 2 months.
October 3, 2019 |
*Tried dancing in January, and then went back to the original doctor in February.
*No more dancing for another month; weight machines 4 days a week.
*Back to the doctor again.
*No dancing for another month.
*More weights.
At the end of that time (tomorrow, April 26) is the show that she can only participate in little.
This has not been an easy road for her, but she has been an amazing patient, and she has grown a lot.
Getting an ultrasound on her knee October 5, 2019 |
To get to this doctor, she had to walk with her newly acquired crutches across this slick tile sidewalk that was brilliantly placed outside of the clinic.
The right clutch slipped, and she went down on her foot.
Someone did come out with a wheelchair to help her in. The wheelchair made it into the elevator with about a centimeter on each side to spare (if that much), and since there are step-overs to all the door ways, she eventually had to use her crutches to get to the office anyway.
This book is where the doctor keeps his medical notes/records. No computer in sight. Just one patient written about one after the other.
Leaving the office, was also tricky. Coming, we had walked two blocks because we didn't know where the office was. This time, Doug went to get the car, and pulled up to the "curb" (which you can see below). All I can say is: Be thankful for handicap regulations in America. You never know when you'll be the one to benefit from them.
October 5, 2019 |