Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Where's my Car?

When I go to the mall, this is what I'm faced with when I come out with my groceries.

Rows and rows of white cars.

This is after-school pick up at Karis and Caleb's school.  

White cars everywhere!

Even the beige taxis melt into the white.

I went to the crosswalk to take pictures, and every time I snapped...white, white, white.

Granted, there are the occasional dark ones, but after living here, I think I've realized something.

No one wants a dark car because the summer sun would make each vehicle more of an oven than it already is.

So, I have two things that help me locate my car:

1) The blessing of a "clicker" to unlock my car, which causes the lights to flash, which I use quite often.

AND 2) Doug put a small Texas A&M decal on the back window, which I'm guessing is a one-of-a-kind find in this country.

Here's to always being able to find my vehicle. :)

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