Blog Post from March 2021
Caleb heard some "mewing" through his vents that connect to the roof, and when he went to investigate, he found this mama cat
and four new babies she'd given birth to in a tarp on our roof.
That was March 27, and Caleb kept making regular trips to the roof to feed the mama cat.
At one point, he realized that one of the kittens didn't make it.
The mama got nervous and took the remaining three somewhere else, and we couldn't find them.
On April 7th, Doug heard crying in an empty lot when he came home one evening.
One of the kittens was by herself, abandoned, with one of her eyes sealed shut from an infection, and she was just crying.
We brought her in, put her on a hot water bottle covered by a towel and let her sleep in a box.
This is the beginning of an ongoing story about a cat named Aoife.
Doug and Caleb went to a pet store and bought powdered milk and a bottle, and the feedings began.
April 8, 2021
Doug put Neosporin on her eye, and we waited for it to heal.

April 10, 2021
And the feeding continued...
April 12, 2021
April 17, 2021
And when no one was around, even I fed the cat.
I am not a fan of indoor cats, but I'm learning to adjust.
April 27, 2021
Kylie even got bonding time with the cat when she came home for her April/May break.
April 28, 2021
We decided to call her Aoife /E-fah/, which. means Scottish Warrior Princess, and we were hoping she would stay a loving, calm cat...
If you would like to follow her on instagram, she can be found at @aoifetaylorrr